5 iPad Mini Tips and Tricks

The iPad Mini might be smaller and simpler than his big brother the iPad, but it still has many features. There are a few things that you might not know you can do on your device to improve the user experience. The next 5 iPad mini tips and tricks will reveal them to you.

1 1. Turn off app alerts and notifications

Many app alerts and notifications are irksome and of not much use. You’ll probably enjoy your iPad mini more without them, so consider turning them off by going to Settings > Notifications. You’ll find there a list of all your apps and can configure alerts and notification options for each of them. Alternatively, you can simply activate Do Not Disturb Mode by going to settings.

2. Disable keyboard clicks to stop annoying those around you

By default, the iPad mini, like all iOS devices, emits vexatious tap sounds when you use the virtual keyboard. You’ll probably get bored of these sounds in less than a day. As to those around you, well… they probably already hate them. Do everyone a favor by disabling iPad keyboard clicks by going to Settings > Sounds.

3. Turn off push/fetch email to extend battery life

Helpful as the fast email notifications are, they eat up the battery in no time. Do you really need to get instant updates about new emails with Push, or to grab new emails every few moments with Fetch? Probably not, especially if you don’t answer to emails right away. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and choose push/fetch email settings that won’t tax your battery.

4. Take a screenshot without installing any app

Press the Home button and the power button at the same time and then release them. If the screen flashes white, you’ve just captured a photo. If it doesn’t try again until it does. The saved screenshot will appear in the camera roll. This is one of the simplest and most useful iPad mini tips and tricks.

5. Play other video formats than the standard MP4 and H.264

All iOS devices offer limited codec support, and iPad mini is no exception. If you use video formats like MKV, you can grab CineXPlayer HD, a third-party media player, and transfer the video files to the documents folder of the video playback app in iTunes. It’s a roundabout solution, but it’s usually more convenient than having to convert files to another format, a process which takes time and often affects the quality of the video.

Now go and put to good use the 5 iPad mini tips and tricks you’ve just learned.

Chris Page

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