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How to Do Virtually Anything with Your iPhone

OK, so it doesn’t actually do virtually anything. But you can learn to do almost anything using Snapguide, an easy-to-use and great looking app for iPhone or iPad. It is one of the more underrated iPhone apps out there, and it just keeps getting better.

image001One of the things that makes Snapguide one of the more underrated iPhone apps is its concept. It is one of those ideas that when you see it, you wish you had thought of it. Snapguide is a database of user-supplied guides to doing almost everything you can think of. Some of the most commonly used examples are recipes and fixes around the house, but there is no reason why you couldn’t use it to find almost any kind of guide.

Snaguide is itself a snap to use, another reason why it is one of the more underrated iPhone apps on the market. As with many apps now, it integrates very easily into social media, and allows for a very quick Facebook login as soon as you open the app. From there you can get to exploring; you can browse featured guides or seek out a guide by a specific topic.

Snapguide content is posted by means of an engine similar to the one that blogs use. Users generate all of the content and then tag the posts with effective words. Snapguide makes the creation of new guides extremely easy as well. Simply go to the giant orange tab at the bottom and it will suggest some of the most popular topics, or you can supply your own. Snap a photo with your phone, write a caption, and repeat until whatever project you are working on is complete.

The latest update of the app includes an easier export to Pinterest for new guides, so users can now leverage one of the biggest photo-based social media sites to drive traffic to the guides they create. Snapguide is flashy, sleek, easy, and a brilliant concept; and of course it only takes a second to plug favorite guides into existing social media. It is under a million downloads right now, but there seems to be no reason to suspect that this will not shoot through the roof soon.

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